Civil War Veterans
Chenango Valley Cemetery
Nowlan Rd, Hillcrest
Town of Fenton, Broome County, N.Y.

Listing by State

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a photo of the headstone of that individual

All Color Photos Copyright © R.G. Blakeslee 2005

CT Johnson, William 6th Inf 1 1842-1925 568
IL Chidester, John 2nd Lt. Art G 1835-1901 538
IL Smith, Andrew B. 105th Inf K 1836-1922 587
IN Stringham, Enos O. 46th Inf K 1845-1901 516
MI Elliott, Jacob Cav 1841-1926 228
NJ Stiles, Frederick 8th Inf F 584
NJ Wright, Thomas Z. 33rd Inf D 1844-1935 240
NY Adams, George W. 90th Inf B 1843-1862 533
NY Allen, Milton C. 61st Inf I 1846-1921 579
NY Avery, Henry H. 144th Inf K 1845-1905 190
NY Bacon, Franklin 89th Inf H 1839-1901 513
NY Bacon, George W. 109th Inf E 8-Feb-07 175
NY Barrett, James 82nd Inf I 1837-1888 235
NY Baxter, Daniel M. 51st F 1846-1919 225
NY Beckwith, Elias W. 61st Inf E Corp 1830-1905 303 Confirmed C.W. Veteran
NY Bingham, William H. 8th Cav 1838-1929 570
NY Bishop, Edwin B. 89th Inf B 1837-1926 184
NY Boardman, James 89th Inf E 1835-1918 254
NY Bowker, Charles 27th Inf F 1845-1915 209
NY Brown, Charles 26th Inf B Died Oct 20, 1895 Age 64 Yrs 520  
NY Burleigh, James E. 144th Inf E Died May 1, 1912 581
NY Burnett, Oswald 1st Lt Art M 1842-1916 180
NY Button, Sylvester 10th Cav K 1831-1913 263
NY Castle, Charles E. 5th H. Art G 1850-1929 567
NY Chase, John L. 185th Inf A 1842-1914 186
NY Christman, Phillip 27th Inf D Pvt 1843-1922 174
NY Christman, Phillip 1st Cav F Pvt 1843-1922 174
NY Cleveland, Anson B. 26th 2 1844-1935 231
NY Cole, Chauncey H. 89th Inf H 1832-1913 199
NY Covert, George 143rd Inf D 1843-1916 220
NY Crocker, Philander T. 1st Lt. Art Corp 1839-1916 219
NY Dallman, Walter M. 149th Inf 1834-1888 234
NY Davis, David W. 144th Inf E 1841-1925 167
NY Davis, William P. 50th Eng B 1846-1922 558
NY DeGraw, Soloman 15th Eng 1827-1911 192
NY DeVinny, Newton 9th H. Art A 1839-1915 293
NY Dickenson, James A. 157th Inf C 1835-1899 244
NY Dickinson, John Wesley 143rd Inf D 1841-19 185
NY Ely, Fredrick 71st Inf D 1831-1907 286
NY Every, Addison J. 144th Inf C 1841-1911 512
NY Every, Alvin W. 69th Inf E 1845-1921 295
NY Flint, Charles W. 6th H. Art E Died Jan 11, 1897 Age 50 Yrs 536
NY Flint, Lorenzo 89th Inf H 1841-1912 535
NY Fowler, Henry L. 109th Inf E Sgt 1943-1938 298
NY Frayer, Dwight E. 15th H. Art M 1838-1922 177
NY French, J.D. 27th Inf C 1841-1917 255
NY Germond, Jesse W. 64th Inf D Sgt 1840-1902 266
NY Gettig, John H. 185th Inf E 1842-1909 181
NY Gordon, William 7th H. Art C 1846-1911 195
NY Griffin, Thomas 68th Inf H 1829-1917 530
NY Guiles, Ebenezer 109th Inf H 1840-1915 251
NY Hobart, James 20th Art Pvt Died Aug 15, 1892 Age 71 Yrs 1 Mos 305  
NY Holland, Andrew J. 137th Inf A 1850-1891 552
NY Holt, Moscow E. 52nd Inf G 1840-1913 179
NY Houghtaling, David S. 15th Eng E 1844-1920 575
NY Hulbert, Seymour E. 7th H. Art C 1847- 248
NY Hummel, Charles 175th Inf E 1845-1912 257
NY Hunt, Amos C. 89th Inf G 1839-1918 283
NY Ives, F. Joshua 137th Inf F 1844-1929 233
NY Krom, Silas W. 16th Indpt Batt Pvt 1841-1919 524 Confirmed C.W. Veteran
NY Lester, Alson 1st A 1840-1934 242
NY Lester, Jacob 1st Cav F Corp 1847-1947 580 Confirmed C.W. Veteran
NY Lloyd, James D. 168th Inf H 1844-1907 172
NY Macomber, Eugene L. 6th H. Art B 1843-1907 583
NY Major, Hiram G. 154th Inf A 1839-1915 210
NY Mapes, Charles 40th Inf K Died July 6, 1886 249
NY Miner, George 144th Inf A 1837-1926 253
NY Minkler, Chester A. 16th Lt. Art 1839-1915 510
NY Mitchell, Alva 137th Inf Pvt 1847-1935 238
NY Monroe, Western P. 61st Inf A 1843-1916 221
NY Montgomery, Charles R. 2nd H. Art 1846-1914 200
NY Moon, William J. 17th Inf G 1838-1934 308
NY Myers, Robert E. 2nd Inf I 1837-1911 307
NY Palmer, Seymour J. 50th Eng 1844-1927 226
NY Parker, Orlando W. 137th Inf G 1843-1911 245
NY Perry, Charles H. 109th Inf G 1844-1914 202
NY Pierce, G. A. 50th Eng I Died Sept 14, 1885 Age 55 Yrs 287 George
NY Pratt, Christopher 50th Eng I Mar 5, 1846-Apr 10, 1909 264
NY Prentice, Charles H. Buried 1885 549 Stone unreadable, 1st Name, M.I. Obtained from cemetery records
NY Prentice, Theodore 137th Inf L 1840-1910 515
NY Purvis, George W. 143rd Inf A 1843-1905 187
NY Remington, Clark 146th Inf F 1845-1909 299
NY Reynolds, Dennison 144th Inf I 1845-1910 300
NY Reynolds, E.A. 3rd Cav G 1847-1908 262
NY Reynolds, E.A. 4th Prov Cav F 1847-1908 262
NY Rood, Giles O. 89th Inf F 1848-1915 246
NY Scholl, Frederick 22nd Cav M 1843-1917 216
NY Scott, James C. 86th Inf G 1839-1923 166
NY Scoville, Franklin 137th Inf F 1845-1921 554
NY Scoville, Samuel M. 137th Inf F 1810-1887 555
NY Sharp, Nathan J. 120th Inf E 1844-1910 285
NY Shaw, Jethro H. 50th Eng I 1845-1935 239
NY Sherwood, Theodore 1st Cav 1831-1921 198
NY Smith, George W. 89th Inf F Died July 21, 1864 Age 48 Yrs 582 Died in defence of his Country at Bermuda Hundred
NY Smith, Silas 159th Inf G 1844-1913 191
NY Smith, Thomas J. 69th Inf I Died Sept 2, 1920 571
NY Stevens, Alfred B. 109th Inf C 1822-1906 565  
NY Stevens, Charles P. 179th Inf H 1846-1937 543
NY Stevens, Eli 89th Inf F 1836-1924 511
NY Stone, David J. 187th Inf D Pvt 1835-1915 176
NY Strever, Alfred 1st Mtd Rifles I 1843-1899 591
NY Taylor, Giles W. 3rd L. Art A Pvt 1837-1914 201 Confirmed C.W. Veteran - Co.'s Listed F, G, and A
NY Terwilliger, Francis D. 185th Inf F 1847-1926 569
NY Terwilliger, Leander 14th H. Art C 1841-1930 578
NY Thomas, Nathaniel 189th Inf 1848-1888 236
NY Titus, Leroy 137th Inf B Pvt 1846-1905 189
NY Tompkins, Daniel D. 3rd Cav E No Dates 218
NY Underwood, John W. 61st Inf C 1840-1906 168
NY VanDeBurg, Stephen S. 89th Inf 183801913 205
NY VanDusen, Charles E. 15th H. Art I 1846-1914 196
NY VanKuren, Luther A. 64th Inf D 1842-1912 532
NY VanOrden, Charles H. 15th Cav L 1845-1926 527 Stone also reads: 3rd Cav. Div. Geo. A. Custer, Com.
NY Warner, Hiram 50th Eng I 1841-1926 206
NY Warner, James R. 26th Inf K 1839-1925 164
NY Warner, James R. 21st Cav B 1839-1925 164
NY Wayman, Ambrose 109th Inf F 1843-1922 247
NY Welch, Amasa K. 81st Inf E 1837-1921 217
NY Wilsey, Simon K. 6th Cav G 1830-1916 250
NY Wood, Charles E. 7th H. Art B 1847-1907 173
NY Wood, John 61st Inf A 1844-1932 572
NY Woodard, George 6th Art K 1845-1921 169
NY Woodcock, Oscar D. 121st Inf E 1844-1906 171
NY Wright, Edward F. 104th Inf K 1830-19 256
NY Youngs, James E. 137th Inf A 1844- 551
OH Robinson, Nathaniel L. 123rd Inf A 1831-1910 212
PA Baxter, George W. 143rd Inf H Died Sept 1909 Aged 80 Yrs 182
PA Carnine, Silas 56th Inf H 1844-1934 588
PA Dexter, Loren B. 188th D 1847-1932 237
PA Montgomery, Charles R. 61st Inf I 1846-1914 200
PA Norton, Charles A. 53rd Inf 1845-1940 232
PA Raymond, Geo. C. 188th Inf A 1846-1935 577
PA Rosencrance, Joseph 141st Inf A 1832-1917 281
PA Rought, Hiram L. 46th Inf G 1842-1908 178
PA StClair, G.W. 6th Inf K 1835-1917 534
PA Wayman, Darius 17th Cav D 1829-1905 165
US Boardman, James 5th H. Art A 1835-1918 254
US Bradley, Theodore 8th Lt. Art H 1838-1914 203
US Downs, Richard 1st Cav C 1836-1911 197
US Morris, John W. Navy Died Sept 6, 1909 Aged 81 Yrs 183
US Morse, Rodman Navy 1842-1910 213 Marine Service USN
US Robinson, George W. 11th Col H. Art G 1839-1910 214
WI Wilcox, Martin L. 16th Inf H Pvt 1846-1923 265 Confirmed C.W. Veteran